There is nothing that demonstrates true presence of mind better than a wild animal thriving in its natural environment. Animals don’t think about existence or get caught up in the past or the future, and the challenges of life are met with sheer will and determination for the purpose of staying alive long enough to procreate. To observe and spend time with them is a privilege and a way of connecting to everything that truly matters. It has always been a way for me to express what is in my heart, in an environment that didn’t always feel natural or like I understood my place and function. 

I have been inspired by animals ever since I was little, and I started getting into photography in my early twenties. For me it was more than the pursuit of a budding curiosity and interest in wildlife, it was also an escape from my thoughts and consistent difficulties surrounding anxiety and depression. Wildlife photography has been a way of life ever since, and an integral part of how I take care of my mental and physical health. I am happiest when I am photographing, and my approach has always been to go out into nature and find something to get lost in. My interest is not exclusive to any subject, I really just love taking photos of things that I find and use it as a way to inspire my art, writing and excitement to learn.

I care a lot about a lot of things and it is easy to get caught up in the overwhelming desire to excel, or be a version of yourself that caters to others needs instead of your own. My personal ethic has always been to be kind, and respectful of others and your environment, and to leave nature as you found it. The way that I photograph mirrors this sentiment, in that I strive to create an image that I don’t have to alter or change much.

Explore the galleries


Artist Favourites

Click here to explore my favourite images of wildlife from throughout British Columbia…




Click here to explore several species of owls from throughout British Columbia…


Click here to view more photographs of the reptiles and amphibians of the Pacific Northwest…


Marine Mammals

Click here to view more images of whales, dolphins and seals, photographed in the rich, inshore waters of British Columbia’s South Coast…

Bears & Wolves

Click here to see images from some of my most memorable encounters with wolves and bears in British Columbia…


I hope you’ve enjoyed browsing my galleries. If you’d like to show your support for my work and help me in my continued pursuits of showcasing the importance of the natural world, you can do so by buying me a coffee using the button below. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and will help fund my website,
photography equipment and my travels, as I seek out elusive wildlife in wild places…